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Welcome to Hav0kk’s (my) website!⌗
Hello. Here is a webiste where I may post something every now and then or propably treat as a microblog. I am a person who has been using computers since age 4. Might have been the best and worst thing that happended to me in my life. I say I am pretty skilled with computers, knowing the useful and most useless stuff possible. Currently, studing IT at a university, after 3 years of IB med classes that made me realize how much talent I have with computers. I mostly do linux-related stuff, aiming to become a sysadmin/devop or network admin in the future. Along the side I picked up some simple coding and website development skills. If you want to contact me I suggest you use discord:Linchud#4521 or matrix:@rawhav0kk:midov.pl